Park Design Workshop 2 - 1/25/23 Event Recap

The second Park Design Workshop was hosted in partnership with City of San Marcos Parks and Recreation on January 25, 2023 at the San Marcos Community Center. The workshop focused on building on the feedback collected at the December 1, 2022 meeting.

The meeting began with a general overview of the project vision and the design team’s focus on celebrating the legacy of the Old California Restaurant Row. Click here to download meeting presentation slides. The attendees were also able to ask the project team questions related to their concerns.

After the presentation, attendees were able to create their own park design. Each table was provided with supplies, a blank park map, and amenities to place where they saw most appropriate. A representative from each table then presented their design to the room. Click here to review the designs created by attendees.

The overall consensus was consistent with the first workshop. Attendees agreed that the new park should contain a mix of active and passive recreation activities that visitors of all ages and abilities could enjoy. The two most popular requests were for pickleball courts and an all-wheels plaza (skate park). There was also interest to include arts & culture opportunities (a space, or amphitheater for live music / public art), open areas and a dog park - with walking paths connecting these areas. The group also discussed the importance of connectivity to the restaurant space, allowing both spaces to be used in sync with one another.

All the feedback will be used to create the final park design, which will be presented at a future Community Meeting.

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