Project Update Meeting - 6/29/23 Event Recap

The third public meeting was set up in an open house format. Members of the community were able to come and look through presentation boards ranging in topics from site constraints and zoning, to traffic and parking, as well as colors and materials of proposed buildings. Additionally, the final design of the public park was debuted. The park design was created based on community feedback from the first two public meetings.

Click here to download the presentation board materials.

Members of the project team were positioned throughout the room to speak directly with attendees and review their questions or concerns. Because there was no formal presentation, attendees were encouraged to stop by between 6:00 – 8:00p.m. to view the exhibits at their convenience.

The majority of the feedback from the community was positive, especially with excitement for the debut of the new park design. This was the first opportunity for the community to view the final design that they worked hard and provided input to see come together. They also expressed appreciation for the architecture design elements that paid tribute to the legacy of Restaurant Row.

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